If your like me and you don’t have very much time to practice, how do you get the most out of that precious time you have?
The best advice I can give the amateur golfer is to have a plan. Develop a plan based on how your last round of golf went…If you look back and count how many: fairways, greens, putts & up & downs that you had in regulation. You should be able to get a pretty good idea of what your strengths and weaknesses were from your last round of golf. From there, you will take the amount of time that day that you have to practice, lets say its one hour. Ok, so here we are with one full hour to practice and we had 3-3 putts during our last round (3-putts are generally caused by poor speed) and we missed 6 greens from inside 125 yards with our wedges. We need to divide our hour up into 1/2-hour practice sessions devoted to “speed putting” and another 1/2-hour on wedge work to targets inside of 125 yards. Finally, we have a great “plan” or map of how we am going to spend our one hour of practice time to give ourselves the best chance of playing better on my next round of golf!
Don’t know how to take your stats…you should be doing that on every single round! All the professional golfers keep a detailed record of their round-to-round stats and stats over the course of the year. In my next blog I will talk in detail about how I keep track of my round-to-round and why you should too. It reminds me of an old saying “You can’t manage what you don’t measure” but it holds true in the game of golf.
Buena Suerte,